TheraManager – Software Update

Version 11.1

Release Date:  11/21/2012




As promised, this is the announcement of our new TheraManager Product Release of  November 21, 2012. These and all future Release Notes will be available for review on our Website by going to the "Contact Us" page and clicking on "News".


Also Note; This release includes a new set of Help Notes, nearly half of which are new or have been rewritten since January 2012.  You can access Help Notes from any screen in the program, including the login screen. At the top center, select Help -> Help Notes. Within the Help Notes navigator, enter a single keyword to search.  Within the 'Topic' dropdown select the desired title, then click 'View'. The *.pdf will be downloaded.   Future releases of TheraManager will be accompanied by Help Notes updated accordingly.


Modifications to Software


1.  Performance Improved on Post Appointment Form

Performance is substantially improved when posting appointments, especially on large databases. This enhancement completes the overhaul of the entire posting process, which was partially improved in the 10/1/2012 release.



2.  Diagnosis Code Issues

Two issues on the Dx/Problems screen have been resolved. Previously, if no pointer numbers were selected, the Diagnosis codes would still appear in the Post Appointment form and in the subsequent claim. This has been fixed as follows: If 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 is selected in the On Claim ... column, the code will be included with that pointer number in the claim. However, If 0 is selected, the Diagnosis code will appear but without a pointer number. Also, the Diagnosis codes appear in the Post Appointment form ranked from left to right by pointer number (i.e., 1 is leftmost), regardless of the order in which they were entered on the Dx/Problems screen. The problem list consisting of these diagnoses will continue to be sorted by axis.



3.  Re-Enablement of "Tax Category" dropdown

On the Expenses screen | Expenses tab, the applicable tax category can again be selected.



4.  ERA Payment Posting

Enhanced Insurance Payment procedures have been implemented.